Ok, yes…I know, it’s been a while again…always the same. I’ll never change
BUT I’ve been good and brought an update with me this time I uploaded some photos to the gallery. I still left the D.C. pics there…although I still don’t like them. So the new photos: A few are from my week in Rome last summer, when I visited my aunt. The other photos are from the Thirty Seconds to Mars concert I went to in December (as I already told you).
So if you’re interested: the concert was amazing!!! Meeting them was great, I was really excited all day long and when they finally entered the room I was like 8O ”wow…is this really happening?” They’re such great guys and although I couldn’t talk that much with them I was glad I could say something at all and I really hope that I’ll meet them again one day, even if I have to buy another GT (I’m already saving money *lol*)

was it a dream? is this the only evidence that proves it. a photograph of you and I
By the way, that pic up there, that’s my photo I got together with the guys (obviously XD)…and I gotta say, I really really love it

Tomorrow very very early start

Oh and I almost forgot: Happy New Year everyone